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 The main function of this ministry is to support the church; by visiting the sick, helping maintain the church property ,doing physical labor and maintenance, outreaching to brothers, striving for unity, working  with the handicapped, and from time to time being called upon to render service to other assemblies. This ministry is committed to serving the church in any capacity. This army of mighty men possesses ministry programs that include mens Bible Study, prayer and other spiritual growth initiatives formulated to assist men in becoming spiritually, economically, and financially empowered.

The Youth Ministry is building on and holding up the standard of holiness. Our mission is to introduce young people to Jesus Christ, in a manner that transforms their lives and encourages them to develop a personal relationship with him. Through prayer and a solid foundation of Biblical truth lives are changed. Youth services are on Thursday night. This is a opportunity to fellowship and  worship with  young people from the ages of six through thirty-five.
Additional Activities  include: field trips and local outings


Missionary Dept .

Young People


The Missionaries lead the way in prayer, as well as ministering to the sick and shut-in.  Their prayer warriors also maintain a constant prayer covering for our Senior Pastor, leaders, and the ministry as a whole.

Prison Ministry
The Prison Ministry provides spiritual and motivational resources, programming and special
events that will transform the lives of offenders, former offenders, and their families. We
develop relationships and network with local community partners who provide transitional
services for former offenders.

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